I took this picture of Ada for Joyschool. She wanted her sweater with the flower, all buttoned up. And her heart necklace, princess bracelet, and sparkly red headband. I love the way she accessorizes :)
Matt & I went for a run by the Elks’ Rodeo grounds. I love the rodeo! Can’t wait for it in June.
Matt went for a run with a friend and came home to Mav sitting on top of him. I think he missed him just a little bit!
Poor Lola doesn’t get a nap on Sundays because we go from 11:30-2:30 this year. I was looking for her after church and found her like this on the couch!
She’s a fearless little scooter riderβ¦I was going to take a picture of her and she suddenly veered to the left while I took it! She went straight off the curb and crossed the street to where Papa and Ada were. That’s my girl :)
We went wedding dress shopping with Auntie Linds & the girls had a blast trying on veils. Lola busted out the Chris Farley face and I think this picture needs to go out with her wedding invites one day! haha
Auntie brought prezzies! Our dad used to do this to us when he brought presents home from a trip. “Close your eyes & hold out your hands!”
She & Loren took a trip to New Orleans and got the girls the cutest masks! My brother Sean said, “Michael Jackson children!” haha All they need is scarves.
Holding Lola & she tooted right as I took the picture! Look at that cheeky little face.
Maverick knows to follow Lola around when she has snacksβ¦she’s sure to drop some!
Curious George & popcorn. Simple things in life :)
We had a little rain so did our play date in the Cultural Hall at church. Fun with little friends!
Maverick’s favorite place to sleep is right here:
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