This post was sponsored by a2 Milk® as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.Can you believe that it’s that time already? Back to school has already started for some, and my girls will be going back next month. Lola will be starting Kindergarten and Ada will be in 1st grade. I am so excited for them! It’s going to be an adjustment for sure; we have been loving these lazy days of summer. No schedules, beach days, and vacations. After a full day of school, I know they will both be coming home hungry, and I want to keep them filled up with happy tummies! Speaking of tummies, if anyone in your home has sensitivities to regular milk, you should have them try a2 Milk®! The A1 protein, found in all other cow milk on the market, is usually responsible for unsettled stomachs. The heirloom herd of milk cows from the a2 Milk Company™ produces milk devoid of the A1 protein, leaving only the A2 protein that is gentler on stomachs. It is still real milk and doesn’t taste any different than the cows milk you know and love.
I’m a big believer in doing everything in moderation. I think if you are too extreme in something, you will get burned out or have the opposite effect that you were hoping for. This goes for snacks in our home. I monitor what my girls eat and have taught them about healthy choices and “sometimes” foods. Apples are an every day choice for an after school snack. Cookies, of course, are a sometimes food. Best enjoyed with a cold glass of milk!
Or, if your children are not fans of plain milk, make it chocolate milk! You can rest easy knowing that a2 Milk® contains about six times the amount of calcium as soy milk, eight times the protein of almond milk, and six times the potassium levels of rice milk!
I have loved being an Ambassador for a2 Milk®! I hope you have enjoyed learning about it through my posts and it will help you or someone you know with lactose sensitivities. To find the store nearest you that carries a2 Milk®, click here. Happy new school year and snack in happy moderation :)
Back to School with a2 Milk®
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