As a SweatPink Ambassador, I received a digital copy of this cookbook to review in addition to a promotional item. I madeΒ two recipes and photographed them. As always, all opinions are 100% my own. Β
I was so excited to have the opportunity to review Lorna Jane Clarkson’s new cookbook! Lorna Jane is a fitness apparel brand based in Australia. I’ve seen their stores at Westfield Mall in San Jose and Paseo Nuevo in Santa Barbara. The day I shopped at the store in Santa Barbara, their air conditioning was broken and it was a really hot day! The sweet retail girl put a fan in the dressing room for me and brought me a bottle of cold water. Thank you for that!!
Looking through Lorna Jane’s cookbook, you have pictures of her in various workout attire and quotes on her food philosophy. It makes you want to hang out with her! I decided to go for one recipe that scared me and one that sounded like something I’d normally make.
The first recipe I tried was the Glow Elixir. It has all kinds of good-for-you veggies in it and no sweeteners besides some apple.
To be honest, it was gross at first. Each subsequent sip wasn’t as bad, but I thought about wheatgrass and how you take a shot of it and get it over with, so I would treat this the same way. It’s good for you and it tastes that way! Very minty too.
Glow Elixir
- 1/2 c. spinach
- 2/3 c. water
- 1/2 c. chopped cucumber
- 1/2 chopped small apple
- 1/2 chopped small carrot
- 6 mint leaves
- 1/4 small avocado
Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth. (I used the juice button on my Blendtec). Pour into glass and serve.
The next recipe I tried was Roasted Balsamic Tomato & Avocado on Toast. It was delicious!! I’m glad to have leftovers so I can make it again. The only thing I would add is salt on the avocados and drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on the bread. I love the combination of the tart roasted tomatoes with the creamy goat cheese & avocados. In the cookbook, she has a recipe for a bread that she uses for the toast. I decided to go with a whole grain sourdough bread instead of baking bread.
Roasted Balsamic Tomato & Avocado on Toast
- 8 ounces cherry tomatoes
- 1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar
- 4 slices whole grain sourdough
- 2 ounces arugula
- 1 medium avocado
- 2 Tablespoons roasted walnuts I forgot to add these...oops
- 1 1/2 ounces soft goat cheese
Preheat oven to 220Β°C/425Β°F.
Combine tomatoes and vinegar in a large baking-paper-lined baking dish; season to taste. Bake about 10 minutes or until tomatoes are browned lightly and beginning to soften.
Meanwhile, toast bread. Serve toast topped with rocket (arugula), avocado and tomato; sprinkle with nuts and cheese, drizzle with any pan juices from tomatoes.
Lorna Jane says that she, in true Aussie fashion, spreads some Vegemite underneath all of the other goodness on this toast. My dad used to fly to Sydney and bring home Vegemite. He would ask us kids if we wanted some chocolate and trick us into eating it!! So terrible! I like how she refers to the arugula as rocket, too. I want to start calling it that :)
Right now Lorna Jane is running a #LiveLoveNOURISH initiative and you can win:
Β – A hard copy of NOURISH – The Fit Woman’s Cookbook!
– A $200 gift card to Lorna Jane!
Tweet: Join the #LiveLoveNOURISH initiative w/ @LornaJaneActive @FitApproach! Giveaway of: 10 NOURISH Cookbooks + $200 Gift Card to #lornajane!
I have to say I love my running top from Lorna Jane. It’s cute and different than any other workout tops I have. It’s got a little interest in the back!
I hope you enjoy these recipes and get a chance to check out Lorna Jane’s new cookbook. There are numerous other recipes, everything from omelettes to healthy desserts!
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