The day after we got home from Virginia, we just took it easy around the house. There were cookies, princess buns, and dress up.
The next day, we went to visit Nana & Bobba. They have the cutest playhouse for the girls in the backyard that they love :)
Wednesday night, I got down to baking for Thanksgiving with Matt’s family the next day!
I made Sweet Potato Muffins (recipe coming soon),
Apple Pie (recipe coming soon),
And stuffing. No pictures of it alone because it just doesn’t photograph well! It’s in the pic below on the plate…covered in gravy :)
I was up until 3 AM and got it all done but was too tired to join in the 5K my sister-in-law puts on every year, I was so bummed :(
Marsha hosted down in Lompoc & everything was wonderful at their new place.
Ada & I in a happy food coma! Poor girl got knocked to the ground by her cousin swinging at the park. Why is it that kids just walk in front of swings? It makes me so sad. She hit her chin and it’s looked like a little goatee bruise for the past weeks.
The whole Miller bunch!
Love these ladies: Lori, me, Kandie, Karina, & Alissa
We headed over to Matt’s parent’s for PIE + truffles!
I found a meat cleaver in the drawer and it was the same height as the pie, so I thought, “Why not?!” Alissa wielded that thing with strength and fortitude.
Princess cousins & pie!
Lola after a long day!
The next day, we had Thanksgiving with my family! We had planned on getting our Christmas tree in the morning, but it was raining so we went the next day. I was grateful for the extra sleep & got to making Nana’s rolls!
Devin & Liz hosted and everything was beautiful!
I’m hungry again…
We went and saw Catching Fire the next day with Matt’s siblings & spouses and I loved it! I only read the first book, so it was fun to see what happened next. Excited for the 3rd!
I am so grateful to have so much family in the area and to be living close to them now. It was so fun cooking in my own kitchen and being with family and friends this year! Hope you all had great Thanksgivings too!
How many Thanksgivings do you usually have? – 2 this year. We trade off Thursday and Friday between families every year.
Anyone else see a movie over the holiday weekend?
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